Green Coffee Bean Extract 50% Chlorogenic Acid

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Green Coffee Bean Extract 50% Chlorogenic Acids



Product  Name

Green Coffee Extract 50% Chlorogenic Acids 



Country of Origin



5 kg to 1 ton

Aroma Profile

Natural Fruity and Earthy Aroma

Batch Information

Extraction Method

Solvent Extraction

Botanical Name

Coffee Arabica

Chemical Constituents

Phytosterols, antioxidants, vitamin E, Chlorogenic Acid , and essential fatty acids

Color and Appearance

Light yellow-brownish fine powder

Plant Part Used

Green Coffee Beans



Available as per request


Available as per request

GC-MS Analysis

Available as per request

Container type

Sealed Container

Storage Recommendations

Store in a cool and dry place


  • Start by choosing high-quality green coffee beans known for their chlorogenic acid content, often sourced from Arabica or Robusta varieties.
  • Clean the green coffee beans to remove any impurities or foreign matter. Sort the beans to ensure uniformity in size and quality.
  • Utilize an appropriate extraction method, such as aqueous extraction or ethanol extraction, to extract the chlorogenic acids from the green coffee beans. This process typically involves soaking the beans in the chosen solvent to dissolve the chlorogenic acids and other bioactive compounds.
  • Concentrate the extracted solution to increase the concentration of chlorogenic acids. This can be achieved through evaporation, filtration, or membrane separation to remove excess solvent and water content.
  • Purify the concentrated extract to remove any remaining impurities, undesirable compounds, or solvent residues, ensuring a high-purity final product.
  • Standardize the extract to ensure it contains the desired percentage of chlorogenic acids, typically targeting 50%. 
  • Dry the standardized extract to remove excess moisture and obtain a powdered form of Green Coffee Bean Extract with 50% Chlorogenic Acids. This can be accomplished using techniques like spray drying or freeze drying, preserving the integrity of the chlorogenic acids and other active components.


Some research explores the potential of Green Coffee Bean Extract  with high Chlorogenic Acids content as a natural antioxidant additive in certain food and beverage products. The theory is that its antioxidant properties could extend shelf life and potentially offer some benefits to consumers. Green Coffee Bean Extract with high Chlorogenic Acids is a common ingredient in some dietary supplements which can help in weight management, blood sugar control, and overall well-being.  

Geographical Specifications

Rainfall needs for coffee range from 160 to 200 cm per year. For coffee to grow, a humidity level of between 70 and 80 percent is ideal. For better growth, coffee plantations need to stay out of direct sunlight and heavy monsoon rains. Rich, fertile, and well-drained soil is ideal.

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